Thanks for this. The spikey period during the last 80ky glacial period looks like solar activity changes to me. Periods like the Little Ice Age during the Maunder minimum and these DO events are too short timescale to be caused by planetary orbital dynamics and too regular to be volcanic other semi-random events like asteroid impacts. Pull out for a broader perspective - starting 3 million years ago the stable oxygen isotope proxies show the 40ky obliquity driven glacial-interglacial cycle (20ky ice expansion/20ky retreat). Around 1 million years ago we see a switch to the 100ky eccentricity driven cycle. Why the switch? Check out my Substack "The Story of Climate Change" (https://thestoryofclimatechange.substack.com)

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Thank you, made me think of this underrated channel about the climate changing before. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2r-Ws6Q6VWI

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That's a great video, thanks for sharing!

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So glad you like it. I think Rosh has a gift for communicating on video.

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